Batteries 101

Battery Check

A typical original equipment (OE) car battery lasts about four years under normal conditions. Sullivan Tire and Auto Service has all the necessary tools and trained technicians to properly test your battery and electrical system to prevent unexpected battery failure.

If you're unsure of the charge your battery is currently holding, schedule a FREE battery check at one of our Sullivan Tire and Auto Service locations

Benefits to Car Battery Maintenance

  • A weak car battery can fail at a moment's notice without warning.
  • Regular battery checks will alert you to potential malfunctions sooner.

How Often Should I have my Car Battery Serviced?

  • Car batteries can last between three and six years.
  • We recommend the battery be tested annually, preferably in the fall before the temperatures drop. Colder temperatures can cause a weak battery to fail sooner.

Identifying the Problem

  • When starting your vehicle, you notice the engine cranking slower than normal.
  • Extended use of interior lights along with the radio while the car is stationary and the engine is not activated, can cause the battery to drain.
  • Low battery fluid levels.
  • Constant need to jump start your vehicle.
  • A rotten egg or sulfur smell can indicate a leaking or overheated battery.
  • A white/silvery powder like material around the battery post could indicate a problem and the battery should be checked.
  • If the battery or check engine light comes on, it's time to have the battery and electrical system checked.

All our services have a warranty and a Nationwide Warranty through the Goodyear Tire & Service Network.

Schedule your Battery Service appointment today!